How about a Rock climbing adventure? Rock climbing is a great sport because it has a good mix of adrenaline and technique mastery.
Often, when we think of rock climbing, we think of someone high up on a cliff face. While that would certainly get your blood pumping, most of us find the thought a little too much.
But climbing is actually a really easy sport to try out in a very safe environment. Here’s how!
Get started with rock climbing
The easiest way you can get started with rock climbing is to try out a climbing wall. You can find climbing walls in both dedicated climbing centres as well and leisure or adventure centres.
You could try indoor rock climbing, which is about climbing high with a harness or safety rope. Or try Bouldering, in which you don’t climb high enough to need a harness – it’s more about technique.
Sign up for an induction session because you’ll learn how to climb and get back down safely in a low-risk environment. If you’re at all worried – don’t be! The floor is one big crash mat!
A little more rock climbing adventure
The next step is to try out rock climbing on a real outdoor rock face. This type of climb will be more challenging because there are no holds specifically designed for your hands and feet. You just have to work with what there is!
You can find some excellent outdoor beginner/intermediate climbs – check out Red Bull’s list of the best.
Maximum rock climbing adventure
For maximum rock climbing adventure you can find some really challenging climbs around the world. Once you’ve put in the time and effort to improve your skills to the level required, you could climb in some pretty amazing locations.
Take a look at Buzzfeed’s 16 places to go rock climbing before you die.
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