My motivation for blogging has taken a bit of a nosedive lately. I was actually starting to make a regular income from my blog(!) but with travel off the cards, well… sigh… So what have I been up to in my flat all alone for the last few weeks? (Literally) climbing the walls in lockdown, that’s what!
I live alone in a one bedroom flat that I love to bits (and continue to love, despite the very large amount of time I’m spending within it’s walls).
During lockdown I’m working from home, which I’m finding tough, but the video meetings are making it just about bearable. I’m grateful to still be working and pleased to have a reason to get up in the morning on weekdays.
As for the weekends, which used to be filled with climbing and brunch with friends, I’m now finding myself with two whole days of alone time. I’ve been climbing the walls.
Yes I have Netflix, I have books, I have Skype and Zoom and Teams and FaceTime and Whatsapp and Google Hangout and who knows what else.
I walk or cycle for my one exercise per day, make the occasional visit to the shop, and my yoga mat and pull-up bar are already getting a bit of wear and tear! But it’s just not enough and I MISS CLIMBING.
I’ve gone from climbing three times a week to absolutely nothing. So, I got desperate.
Climbing the walls… of my hallway
Yep, I climbed my hallway. And it’s actually a pretty decent traverse! My front door is cimpier than expected! I will need to repaint the walls, which are now covered in black rubber, but it’s a small price to pay.
Now, what else can I climb…
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